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本シンポジウムは、デジタルメディアとインターネットによって重畳化した場所と重畳化した時間がもたらす社会変容について議論する、完全オンラインで実施されるイベントです。モバイルメディアを通じて複合現実化する社会の研究においては第一人者であるアドリアーナ・ド・スーザ・エ・シルヴァ氏(ノースカロライナ州立大学教授)を基調講演のゲストに迎え、パネルディスカッションの登壇者としては映像研究をスマートデバイスの操作体験を元に捉えなおすナンナ・ヘルフーフ(ユトレヒト大学)、モバイルアプリの位置情報と都市空間の日常について調査研究をおこなってきたインゴ・シュルツ=シェファーとエリック・レッケマン(ベルリン工科大学)、能や古典文学などの日本の伝統文化についてリアリティを多次元化するプログラムとして見なおす観点からパフォーマンスを実践してきた能楽師の安田登(下掛宝生流)の各氏をパネリストとして招き、われわれモバイルコミュニケーション研究会が標榜する現代の情報社会の状況をそのまま反映できるような新しい研究討論の形式である、ヴァーチャルフォーラム「DoOR(=Doubling of Rerality)」を用いておこないます。


Welcome to DoOR

This symposium is an online event that aims to discuss the superimposing of time and place in the era of hybrid reality, and to deepen the conversation about social transformation caused by networked mobile media. The symposium has invited the leading researchers across disciplines and locations; Adriana de Souza e Silva (North Carolina State University) who proposed the concepts of net locality and hybrid play will give a keynote speech, and Nanna Verhoeff (Utrecht University, screen culture & mobile interface), Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Eric Lettkemann (Technical University of Berlin, locative media & urbanity), Noboru Yasuda (Japanese Noh actor who revisits the concept of virtual reality from the perspective of Japanese traditional culture) will participate as guest panelists and invo.lve online and real-time discussion with Mobile Communication Research Group. We hope this virtual forum DoOR (=Doubling of Reality), which not only describes the new and hybrid form of discussions but also explains the on-going theme of our research group, would serve as a creative, interactive and reflective research platform in the era of new normal.


本シンポジウムは、デジタルメディアとインターネットによって重畳化した場所と重畳化した時間がもたらす社会変容について議論する、完全オンラインで実施されるイベントです。モバイルメディアを通じて複合現実化する社会の研究においては第一人者であるアドリアーナ・ド・スーザ・エ・シルヴァ氏(ノースカロライナ州立大学教授)を基調講演のゲストに迎え、パネルディスカッションの登壇者としては映像研究をスマートデバイスの操作体験を元に捉えなおすナンナ・ヘルフーフ(ユトレヒト大学)、モバイルアプリの位置情報と都市空間の日常について調査研究をおこなってきたインゴ・シュルツ=シェファーとエリック・レッケマン(ベルリン工科大学)、能や古典文学などの日本の伝統文化についてリアリティを多次元化するプログラムとして見なおす観点からパフォーマンスを実践してきた能楽師の安田登(下掛宝生流)の各氏をパネリストとして招き、われわれモバイルコミュニケーション研究会が標榜する現代の情報社会の状況をそのまま反映できるような新しい研究討論の形式である、ヴァーチャルフォーラム「DoOR(=Doubling of Rerality)」を用いておこないます。

Welcome to DoOR

This symposium is an online event that aims to discuss the superimposing of time and place in the era of hybrid reality, and to deepen the conversation about social transformation caused by networked mobile media. The symposium has invited the leading researchers across disciplines and locations; Adriana de Souza e Silva (North Carolina State University) who proposed the concepts of net locality and hybrid play will give a keynote speech, and Nanna Verhoeff (Utrecht University, screen culture & mobile interface), Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Eric Lettkemann (Technical University of Berlin, locative media & urbanity), Noboru Yasuda (Japanese Noh actor who revisits the concept of virtual reality from the perspective of Japanese traditional culture) will participate as guest panelists and invo.lve online and real-time discussion with Mobile Communication Research Group. We hope this virtual forum DoOR (=Doubling of Reality), which not only describes the new and hybrid form of discussions but also explains the on-going theme of our research group, would serve as a creative, interactive and reflective research platform in the era of new normal.


アドリアーナ・スーザ・エ・シルヴァは、米 ノースカロライナ州立大学のコミュニケーション学科の教授で、モバイル・ゲーミング研究所長である。 ブラジルのリオデジャネイロ連邦大学のPh.D (コミュニケーションと文化専攻)。 位置情報基盤のゲームやモバイル・メディア・アートなど、モバイル技術の創造的活用のあり方について研究を進めている。モバイルと地域情報基盤のインタフェースが都市の移動性と公共空間における人々の相互作用に与える影響を、とくに開発途上地域という文脈で調べている。モバイル・コミュニケーション、インターネット研究、技術の歴史の科目を教えている。 The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (2020, Larissa Hjorth、Klare Lansonと共編著), Hybrid Play (2020, Ragan Glover-Rijkseと共著), Dialogues on Mobile Communication (2016), Mobility and locative media (2014, Mimi Shellerと共著), Mobile interfaces in public spaces (2012, Jordan Frithと共著), Net Locality (2011, Eric Gordonと共著), Digital Cityscapes (2009, Daniel M. Sutkoと共著)など、五冊の学術書のほか、多くの論文を発表している。

Adriana de Souza e Silva is a Professor at the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Director of the Mobile Gaming Research Lab. Dr. de Souza e Silva’s research focuses on the creative ways people appropriate mobile technologies, including location-based games and mobile media art. In particular, she investigates how mobile and locative interfaces shape urban mobility and people’s interactions with public spaces, primarily in the developing world. She teaches classes on mobile communication, internet studies, and histories of technology. Dr. de Souza e Silva is the co-editor and co-author of several peer-reviewed articles and five books, including The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (2020, with Larissa Hjorth and Klare Lanson), Hybrid Play (2020, with Ragan Glover-Rijkse), Dialogues on Mobile Communication (2016), Mobility and locative media (2014, with Mimi Sheller), Mobile interfaces in public spaces (2012, with Jordan Frith), Net Locality (2011, with Eric Gordon), and Digital Cityscapes (2009, with Daniel M. Sutko). She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

アドリアーナ・スーザ・エ・シルヴァは、米 ノースカロライナ州立大学のコミュニケーション学科の教授で、モバイル・ゲーミング研究所長である。 ブラジルのリオデジャネイロ連邦大学のPh.D (コミュニケーションと文化専攻)。 位置情報基盤のゲームやモバイル・メディア・アートなど、モバイル技術の創造的活用のあり方について研究を進めている。モバイルと地域情報基盤のインタフェースが都市の移動性と公共空間における人々の相互作用に与える影響を、とくに開発途上地域という文脈で調べている。モバイル・コミュニケーション、インターネット研究、技術の歴史の科目を教えている。 The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (2020, Larissa Hjorth、Klare Lansonと共編著), Hybrid Play (2020, Ragan Glover-Rijkseと共著), Dialogues on Mobile Communication (2016), Mobility and locative media (2014, Mimi Shellerと共著), Mobile interfaces in public spaces (2012, Jordan Frithと共著), Net Locality (2011, Eric Gordonと共著), Digital Cityscapes (2009, Daniel M. Sutkoと共著)など、五冊の学術書のほか、多くの論文を発表している。

Adriana de Souza e Silva is a Professor at the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Director of the Mobile Gaming Research Lab. Dr. de Souza e Silva’s research focuses on the creative ways people appropriate mobile technologies, including location-based games and mobile media art. In particular, she investigates how mobile and locative interfaces shape urban mobility and people’s interactions with public spaces, primarily in the developing world. She teaches classes on mobile communication, internet studies, and histories of technology. Dr. de Souza e Silva is the co-editor and co-author of several peer-reviewed articles and five books, including The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (2020, with Larissa Hjorth and Klare Lanson), Hybrid Play (2020, with Ragan Glover-Rijkse), Dialogues on Mobile Communication (2016), Mobility and locative media (2014, with Mimi Sheller), Mobile interfaces in public spaces (2012, with Jordan Frith), Net Locality (2011, with Eric Gordon), and Digital Cityscapes (2009, with Daniel M. Sutko). She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Highlight Lectures
Nanna Verhoeff
Nanna Verhoeff
Nanna Verhoeff

Nanna Verhoeff is Professor of Screen Cultures & Society in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University. She is program director of the research MA Media, Art & Performance Studies, part of the research initiative Transmission in Motion, and co-initiator of the Creative Humanities Academy – an infrastructure for collaboration between humanities scholars and creative professionals, post-academic teaching, and consultancy on humanities theories, methodologies and pedagogies. She specializes in screen and interface theory and comparative approaches to a wide variety of screen media, ranging from (early) cinema, mobile and location-based media, interactive screen-based interfaces and art installations, to urban screens and media architecture. In her current research projects, she focuses on the situatedness of screen-based interfaces and screening practices in urban, public spaces. She initiated the research platform [urban interfaces] for research on media, art and performance in contemporary, urban spaces. With her colleagues, she has recently edited a special issue on this topic for Leonardo Electronic Almanac:
The group is also co-organizer of the upcoming Media Architecture Biennale.

Nanna Verhoeff is Professor of Screen Cultures & Society in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University. She is program director of the research MA Media, Art & Performance Studies, part of the research initiative Transmission in Motion, and co-initiator of the Creative Humanities Academy – an infrastructure for collaboration between humanities scholars and creative professionals, post-academic teaching, and consultancy on humanities theories, methodologies and pedagogies. She specializes in screen and interface theory and comparative approaches to a wide variety of screen media, ranging from (early) cinema, mobile and location-based media, interactive screen-based interfaces and art installations, to urban screens and media architecture. In her current research projects, she focuses on the situatedness of screen-based interfaces and screening practices in urban, public spaces. She initiated the research platform [urban interfaces] for research on media, art and performance in contemporary, urban spaces. With her colleagues, she has recently edited a special issue on this topic for Leonardo Electronic Almanac:
The group is also co-organizer of the upcoming Media Architecture Biennale.

Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer Eric Lettkemann
Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer Eric Lettkemann
Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer Eric Lettkemann

Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer is a full professor of sociology of technology and innovation at the Technical University of Berlin. From 2008 to 2015 he worked as full professor of sociological theory at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of Bielefeld and received his second dissertation (Habilitation) from the Technical University of Berlin. He is a member of the program committee of the Priority Program 2267 “Digitalisation of Working Worlds”, a principal investigator of the Cluster of Excellence “Science of Intelligence”, and a principal investigator of the Collaborative Research Centre 1265 “Re-figuration of Spaces”, all funded by the German Research Foundation. His recent empirical research in the field of science and technology studies includes the role of future concepts in technology development; coordination in transnational software development; reward-based crowdfunding as gift exchange; locative media and how they change urban spaces. Further information about publications, research projects and other topics is available at:

Eric Lettkemann is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Sociology at Technische Universität Berlin. He obtained his doctorate with a thesis on how epistemic practices and social institutions contribute to the success of interdisciplinary research. Eric has been involved in several research projects investigating the role of institutional settings for the diffusion of scientific innovations in different national science systems and in different disciplines. He mainly draws on videographic and interview-based case studies, using comparative and interpretive concepts of the sociology of science and the sociology of knowledge to analyze these cases. Recently, Eric has turned his focus more towards questions of urban and media sociology. He is currently a member of a research project investigating the effects of locative media on urban life. This project compares different cases of smartphone apps in terms of how locative functions might modify or reinforce the perception and appropriation of urban public places. The project is part of the Collaborative Research Centre 1265 “Re-figuration of Spaces” funded by the German Research Found DFG.
Webpage: https://www.tu-berlin.de/?id=169037&L=1

Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer is a full professor of sociology of technology and innovation at the Technical University of Berlin. From 2008 to 2015 he worked as full professor of sociological theory at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of Bielefeld and received his second dissertation (Habilitation) from the Technical University of Berlin. He is a member of the program committee of the Priority Program 2267 “Digitalisation of Working Worlds”, a principal investigator of the Cluster of Excellence “Science of Intelligence”, and a principal investigator of the Collaborative Research Centre 1265 “Re-figuration of Spaces”, all funded by the German Research Foundation. His recent empirical research in the field of science and technology studies includes the role of future concepts in technology development; coordination in transnational software development; reward-based crowdfunding as gift exchange; locative media and how they change urban spaces. Further information about publications, research projects and other topics is available at:

Eric Lettkemann is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Sociology at Technische Universität Berlin. He obtained his doctorate with a thesis on how epistemic practices and social institutions contribute to the success of interdisciplinary research. Eric has been involved in several research projects investigating the role of institutional settings for the diffusion of scientific innovations in different national science systems and in different disciplines. He mainly draws on videographic and interview-based case studies, using comparative and interpretive concepts of the sociology of science and the sociology of knowledge to analyze these cases. Recently, Eric has turned his focus more towards questions of urban and media sociology. He is currently a member of a research project investigating the effects of locative media on urban life. This project compares different cases of smartphone apps in terms of how locative functions might modify or reinforce the perception and appropriation of urban public places. The project is part of the Collaborative Research Centre 1265 “Re-figuration of Spaces” funded by the German Research Found DFG.
Webpage: https://www.tu-berlin.de/?id=169037&L=1

Noboru Yasuda
Noboru Yasuda
Noboru Yasuda

Noboru Yasuda was born in Choshi, Chiba prefecture, Japan in 1956. Shimogakari Hosho-ryu Noh performer. At the age of 27, he introduced himself to the Shimogakari Hosho-ryu School, a school of Noh Waki-kata (supporting role). While playing Waki-kata as a noh performer on the stage both in Japan and abroad, he holds ‘Yugakujuku’, terakoya private school where people can learn Rongo, the Analects of Confucius. He also creates and directs new plays based on Noh’s physical method, creating a place for interaction with artists and cultural figures in various fields. Written by: Ikai o Tabisuru Noh [Noh Traveling Different Worlds] (Chikuma Shobo), Shintai Kankaku de Basho o Yominaosu, [Reread Basho with a Physical Sensation] (Shunjusha), Noh: 650 nen Tsuzuita Shikake toha, [Noh: What is the Mechanism that Noh has Continued for 650 Years?] (Shinchosha) and many others.

Noboru Yasuda was born in Choshi, Chiba prefecture, Japan in 1956. Shimogakari Hosho-ryu Noh performer. At the age of 27, he introduced himself to the Shimogakari Hosho-ryu School, a school of Noh Waki-kata (supporting role). While playing Waki-kata as a noh performer on the stage both in Japan and abroad, he holds ‘Yugakujuku’, terakoya private school where people can learn Rongo, the Analects of Confucius. He also creates and directs new plays based on Noh’s physical method, creating a place for interaction with artists and cultural figures in various fields. Written by: Ikai o Tabisuru Noh [Noh Traveling Different Worlds] (Chikuma Shobo), Shintai Kankaku de Basho o Yominaosu, [Reread Basho with a Physical Sensation] (Shunjusha), Noh: 650 nen Tsuzuita Shikake toha, [Noh: What is the Mechanism that Noh has Continued for 650 Years?] (Shinchosha) and many others.

Noboru Yasuda
Noboru Yasuda
Noboru Yasuda

Hidenori Tomita is a professor at Kansai University in Osaka, Japan. His presentresearch interests are mobile AR application, mobile media culture and sociology ofmobile media. His publications include The Post-Mobile Society : From theSmart/Mobile to Second Offline (Routledge, 2016), Intimate Stranger: The culturalsociology about anonymity and intimacy (Japanese) (Kansai University Press, 2009),Digital media training (in Japanese)(with Katsuya Minamida and Izumi Tsuji,Yuhikaku, 2007) and ‘Keitai and Intimate Stranger’ in Personal, Portable, Pedestrian:Mobile Phones in Japanese Life (edited by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, and MisaMatsuda, MIT Press, 2005). Translation book is Perpetual Contact: MobileCommunication, Private Talk, Public Performance, (edited by James E. Katz and MarkA. Aakhus, Cambridge Univ Press, 2002): Hidenori Tomita (Translation Supervised),Keiji Tachikawa (Supervised), Taemanaki Koshin no Jidai (in Japanese), NTT Press,2003.

Noboru Yasuda was born in Choshi, Chiba prefecture, Japan in 1956. Shimogakari Hosho-ryu Noh performer. At the age of 27, he introduced himself to the Shimogakari Hosho-ryu School, a school of Noh Waki-kata (supporting role). While playing Waki-kata as a noh performer on the stage both in Japan and abroad, he holds ‘Yugakujuku’, terakoya private school where people can learn Rongo, the Analects of Confucius. He also creates and directs new plays based on Noh’s physical method, creating a place for interaction with artists and cultural figures in various fields. Written by: Ikai o Tabisuru Noh [Noh Traveling Different Worlds] (Chikuma Shobo), Shintai Kankaku de Basho o Yominaosu, [Reread Basho with a Physical Sensation] (Shunjusha), Noh: 650 nen Tsuzuita Shikake toha, [Noh: What is the Mechanism that Noh has Continued for 650 Years?] (Shinchosha) and many others.



OKADA Tomoyuki (Kansai University)


Adriana DE SOUZA E SILVA (North Carolina State University, USA)
Nanna VERHOEFF (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands)
Ingo SCHULZ-SCHAEFFER & Eric LETTKENMANN (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
YASUDA Noboru (Noh-Performer / Shimogakari Hosyo-Ryu, Japan)
TOMITA Hidenori (Kansai University)

Admission available from 5 minutes before



MATSUDA Misa (Chuo University)


Adriana DE SOUZA E SILVA (North Carolina State University, USA)
Nanna VERHOEFF (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands)
Ingo SCHULZ-SCHAEFFER & Eric LETTKENMANN (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
YASUDA Noboru(Noh-Performer / Shimogakari Hosyo-Ryu, Japan)
TOMITA Hidenori (Kansai University)


MATSUSHITA Keita (Kansai University)
KIM Kyounghwa Yonnie (Kanda University of Int’l Studies)
ITO Kota (Kansai University)

Virtual Forum

October 10 (Sat)~13 (Tue)

Admission is possible from the day



MATSUSHITA Keita (Kansai University)
KIM Kyounghwa Yonnie (Kanda University of Int’l Studies)
ITO Kota (Kansai University)


Adriana DE SOUZA E SILVA (North Carolina State University, USA)
Nanna VERHOEFF (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands)
Ingo SCHULZ-SCHAEFFER & Eric LETTKENMANN (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
YASUDA Noboru(Noh-Performer / Shimogakari Hosyo-Ryu, Japan)
TOMITA Hidenori (Kansai University)
And other members of Mobile Communication Research Group

Admission available from 5 minutes before



FUJIMOTO Kenichi (Mukogawa Women’s University)


Adriana DE SOUZA E SILVA (North Carolina State University, USA)
Nanna VERHOEFF (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands)
Ingo SCHULZ-SCHAEFFER & Eric LETTKENMANN (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
TOMITA Hidenori (Kansai University)


MATSUSHITA Keita (Kansai University)
KIM Kyounghwa Yonnie (Kanda University of Int’l Studies)
ITO Kota (Kansai University)


OKADA, Tomoyuki (Kansai University)


Social Gathering
October 16





Social Gathering,

23:00-01:00 (Japan)/ 16:00-18:00 (Europe)/ 10:00-12:00 (NY/NC)