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Hidenori Tomita

富田英典。関西大学社会学部教授。電話、ポケベル、携帯電話などのメディア文化研究から始まり、現在はスマートフォン、モバイルARアプリなどに注目しモバイルメディアの社会学研究を続けている。研究業績には、The Post-Mobile Society: From the Smart/Mobile to Second Offline(編著、Routledge、2016)、『ポスト・モバイル社会―セカンドオフラインの時代へ』(編著、世界思想社、2016年)、『インティメイト・ストレンジャー:「匿名性」と「親密性」をめぐる文化社会学的研究』(関西大学出版部、2009年)、『デジタルメディアトレーニング:情報化時代の社会学的思考法』(共編者:南勝也・辻泉、有斐閣、2007)、‘Keitai and Intimate Stranger’ in Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones in Japanese Life (edited by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, and Misa Matsuda, MIT Press, 2005)、訳書にはJames E. Katz・Mark A. Aakhus編『絶え間なき交信の時代―ケータイ文化の誕生―』(立川敬二(監修)富田英典(監訳)NTT出版、2003年)などがある。

Hidenori Tomita is a professor at Kansai University in Osaka, Japan. His present research interests are mobile AR application, mobile media culture and sociology of mobile media. His publications include The Post-Mobile Society : From the Smart/Mobile to Second Offline (Routledge, 2016), Intimate Stranger: The cultural sociology about anonymity and intimacy (Japanese) (Kansai University Press, 2009), Digital media training (in Japanese)(with Katsuya Minamida and Izumi Tsuji, Yuhikaku, 2007) and ‘Keitai and Intimate Stranger’ in Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones in Japanese Life (edited by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, and Misa Matsuda, MIT Press, 2005). Translation book is Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, (edited by James E. Katz and Mark A. Aakhus, Cambridge Univ Press, 2002): Hidenori Tomita (Translation Supervised), Keiji Tachikawa (Supervised), Taemanaki Koshin no Jidai (in Japanese), NTT Press, 2003.

Kyoung-hwa Yonnie Kim

金暻和(キム・キョンファ): 1971年生まれ、韓国出身のメディア人類学者。韓国ソウル大学人類学科を卒業、 東京大学大学院情報学府博士課程修了。博士(学際情報学)。東京大学情報学環助教を経て、現在は神田外語大学国際コミュニケーション学科の准教授。専門は、メディア論、メディア人類学。著書に『ケータイの文化人類学―かくれた次元と日常性』(CUON 2016)、「触覚的写真―モバル・スクリーンの人類学」(光岡寿郎・大久保僚編『スクリーン・スタディーズ』東京大学出版部2019)など。

Kyoung-hwa Yonnie Kim is a media anthropologist and associate professor at the Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan. Her research focuses on cultural and transformational aspects of technology, including the materiality of mobile media, the sensitivity of social networks, and creative media practice. She has published English articles such as “The landscape of keitai shôsetsu: Mobile phones as a literary medium among Japanese youth,” and “Tactile photography”. Her recent book Everything has begun with Internet: Six stories you need to know for digital literacy (2020, Darun publishing, in Korean) focuses on the everydayness of networked technologies in the Internet age. Kim received her Ph.D. from Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies of the University of Tokyo.

Hidenori Tomita

Professor at Kansai University, the Faculty of Sociology
Research Area: Media Communication, Communication Design
MATSUSHITA Keita is a Professor at Kansai University in the Faculty of Sociology, Japan. He received his Ph. D. from Kyoto University for his study of the impact of new media technology on school education. His main research interests are workstyle, workplace, and media communication. He has conducted several research projects and workshops for social innovation with major Japanese companies. His publications include "Workstyles in Mobile Media Society" (Keisoshobo, 2019), "Various Phases of Internet Society" (Gakubunsya, 2015), "Career Education for University Students"(Keio University Press, 2015), “Digital Natives and Social Media” (Kyoiku Hyoronsya, 2012).

Kota ITO

伊藤耕太(いとう こうた): 1976年生まれ。同志社大学大学院文学研究科 社会学専攻 博士課程前期課程 修了。社会学修士。2008年より関西大学総合情報学部 非常勤講師。広告会社に勤務する傍らメディア研究を続ける。研究テーマは情報量と創造性、モバイルメディアにおける時間と場所など。共著書に富田英典編『ポスト・モバイル社会: セカンドオフラインの時代へ』(世界思想社 2016)、また英国Routledge社より英語での共著書『The Post-Mobile Society: from the Smart/Mobile to Second Offline, edited by Hidenori Tomita.』(2016)があり、メディアのモバイル化と文化変容について論じている。

Kota ITO has been a lecturer of the Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University, since 2008. He also has worked as a marketing planner for an advertising agency in Tokyo, since 2002. His research focuses on information and creativity, mobile media and time and place. He has written about the rise of mobile media and acculturation as coauthor of the volume “Posuto mobairu shakai: Sekando ofurain no jidai e” (Sekaishisosha, 2016), edited by Hidenori Tomita, which is available in English under the title “The Post-Mobile Society: From the Smart /Mobile to Second Offline” (2016), published by Britain’s Routledge.

Tomoyuki OKADA

Tomoyuki OKADA is a professor of the Faculty of Informatics at Kansai University, Japan. He has been working on media studies and sociology of culture. During 2015–2016, he was a visiting professor of the Department of Media in the School of Art, Design and Architecture at Aalto University, Finland. His publications include The Post-Mobile Society: From the smart/mobile to second offline (as contributor of a chapter, Routledge, 2016), Understanding Keitai Society: Mobile Communication and Society (in Japanese, as co-editor, Yuhikaku, 2012) and The EXPO What I Loved: Unofficial documents of EXPO 2005, Aichi, Japan (in Japanese, as co-editor, Liberta pubishing, 2006), Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones in Japanese Life (as contributor of a chapter, MIT press, 2005).


中央大学文学部教授。専門はメディア/コミュニケーション論。日常生活のなかでの新しいメディアの影響に関心を持ち、モバイルメディアの研究を1990年代半ばから進めてきた(共編著にPersonal, Portable, Pedestrian. (MIT Press, 2005)など)また、うわさや都市伝説、フェイクニュースなどの研究も継続的におこなっており、著書に『うわさとは何か』(中公新書,2014)がある。近年の論文としては、趣味をめぐる移動とメディア利用、人間関係に焦点を当てた「『遠征』をめぐる人間関係」(『中央大学社会科学研究所年報』23号、2019)。

Misa MATSUDA is a professor at Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan. Her research focuses on media and society, particularly the impact of new technologies on everyday life. Her publications include co-edited collections about mobile communication: Personal, Portable, Pedestrian. (MIT Press, 2005). She is also interested in rumor and has published Uwasa toha nanika in Japanese (Chuko Shinsho,2014). Her recent article “How to use twitter to make fan-friends through ‘Ensei(fan tourism)’.”(The Annual bulletin of the Institute of Social Sciences, Chuo University.23, 2019 in Japanese) focuses on media usage and interpersonal relationship on fan tourism.


・藤本憲一「音楽は嗜好品か? あるいは嗜好品は音楽たりうるか?」『嗜好品文化研究』(4)2017

Kenichi FUJIMOTO profile
Professor, dept.of INFORMATICS and MEDIOLOGY, fac.of HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, Mukogawa Women's University(Nishinomiya,JAPAN)
Studying SOCIOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY and AESTHETICS of Media Cultures, focused on MOBILE MEDIA.
Articles available in English
・‘Syntony, Distony, Virtual Sisterhood, and Multiplying Anonymous Personalities : Invisible Pseudo-Kinship Structures through Mobile Media Terminal's Literacy’ “Senri Ethnological Studies:SES” (52)2000
・Kenichi Fujimoto‘The Third –stage Paradigm’from ‘Girl Pager Revolution’to‘Mobile Esthetics’ ’ in “Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones In Japanese Life”

Kunikazu Amagasa

天笠 邦一(あまがさ くにかず): 1980年生まれ。慶應義塾大学大学院 政策・メディア研究科修了。博士(政策・メディア)。神奈川県 藤沢市役所 政策研究員、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 研究員などを経て、現在は、昭和女子大学 人間社会学部 現代教養学科にて准教授を務める。専門は、メディア論・社会的ネットワーク論。近年は、地域に固有の社会的ネットワークとモバイル・ソーシャルメディア利用の関係性について研究を行っている。著書に『露出する女子、覗き見る女子――SNSとアプリに現れる新階層』(筑摩書房 2019)、「子育て空間におけるつながりとメディア利用――社会的想像力の喚起装置としてのスマートフォン」(富田英典編『ポストモバイル社会』世界思想社 2016)など。

Kunikazu Amagasa is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Showa Women’s University in Tokyo, Japan. He Specializes in media studies, with a focus on social network theory, and has engaged in ethnographic research on mobile media usage in local communities, such as mom friends’ local network. His Publications include ‘Polyreality: Sociological imagination evoked by smartphones’ in The Post-Mobile Society: From the smart/mobile to second offline (Routledge, 2016).



Ichiyo HABUCHI is a professor at Hirosaki University in Aomori, Japan. Her study focuses on youth, particularly the impact of mobile media technologies on their intimacy since 1998. She has tested the Telecocoons hypothesis proposed in her article (MIT Press, 2005). Her survey research “the media usage and intimacy with physical distances” is under investigating.

Yuichi Kogure

木暮 祐一 博士(工学)

Yuichi Kogure, Dr.Eng.
Associate Professor, Aomori Public University
Dr. Yuichi Kogure, Associate Professor of Aomori Public University is the most famous mobile phone business researcher in Japan. His knowledge covers this 30 years of mobile terminals, mobile phone services, and mobile markets in Japan more than anyone else.
Dr. Kogure received the B.S. degrees in health sciences from Kyorin University, Japan, in 1990, and Dr.Eng. degrees in functional systems engineering from Graduate School of Engeenering, The University of Tokushima, Japan, in 2007. From 1990 to 1992, and from 2000 to 2002, he was a research student at School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Dr. Kogure started his career with Houken Corporation, a famous publisher in health care field, in 1992, where he worked as an editor of healthcare magazines. From 2000 to 2002, he joined ASCII Corporation, where he worked as an editor-in-chief of mobile phone information website. From 2002 to 2004, he joined K-Labolatory Inc.(KLab Inc.), a famous mobile contents and middle wares development company, where he worked as a manager of public relations. From 2009, he was associate professor at Musashinogakuin Univercity, and from 2013, he was a associate professor at Aomori Public University.

Xueyan Liu


Xueyan Liu
Xueyan Liu is a professor in the Department of Sociology, Kansai University, Japan. Born in Beijing, her research fields include media studies, Chinese media studies and international communication. She is a co-author of "Media Ron (Media Studies)" (Hoso Daigaku Kyoiku Shinkokai, 2018).

Eriko Uematsu

上松 恵理子(うえまつ えりこ): 新潟大学大学院情報文化研究科修了、新潟大学大学院後期博士課程。修了博士(教育学)。中学校・高等学校勤務の経験から、ICT教育に新リテラシーを取り入れることの研究と実践に取り組む。武蔵野学院大学国際コミュニケーション学部准教授、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター客員研究員、教育における情報通信(ICT)の利活用促進をめざす議員連盟」有識者アドバイザー、総務省プログラミング教育推進事業会議委員(H28.29)、国際大学グローバルコミュニケーションセンター客員研究員

Eriko Uematsu is an Associate Professor at Musashinogakuin University. Her research efforts and implementation of media literacy in education stem from her experience teaching at the junior- and senior-high school levels. In 2003, she was an online lecturer on media literacy in the MELL Project (Tokyo University of Information) via MTV (Media Teachers Village). Dr Uematsu obtained a PhD degree in Education from Niigata University and lectures there on a part-time basis. She is a research fellow at the Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, a member of AMILEC (Asia Pacific Media Information Literacy Education Center), an advisor for the Japan Society of Digital Textbook, and a visiting research fellow at the International University of Japan (GLOCOM). In 2004, she presented her research entitled, A Guide and Study of the New ‘Keitai’ (=mobile) Literacy for the Next Generation, at the 2004 International Academy for the New Generation. In the same year, she did a presentation on her research paper, Media Literacy Education in Japanese Language Textbooks, at the Educational Media in Schools summit. Dr Uematsu’s goal is to construct a new form of education that is in sync with today’s continually evolving information-oriented society and makes best use of new technologies.
K12 IT Education in Japan: Current Status and Future Directions, The 23rd IFIP World Computer Congress, IT Education Forum (K-12), Yasushi Kuno, Ben Tsutom Wada, Yasuichi Nakayama, Takeo Tatsumi, Eriko Uematsu, pp. 37-44, 2015.
ICT Education in Media Literacy Education, Eriko Uematsu, The Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, pp. 322-326, 2015.